Make a 2nd Income, make money on a hobby, or start a new career! Learn the Real Estate topics needed to take the State Exam. Put your 60 hours in and get a 70% or more on the Real Estate Principles and Practices final. Cost is $399 plus books. You can start with as little as $100. Share invite with a friend. Visit http://CTRealEstateSchool.Info to learn more and let̢۪s get started. Email me or call me at 860 558 2122 if you are ready.
We are now offering the State of CT Approved - Real Estate Pre-Licensing class VIRTUALLY in the MORNING and EVENING and on SATURDAYS! You can start as soon as the next class. The schedule is below: Our classes are conducted on Zoom Video (phone, tablet, pc) and the schedule is as follows: Monday: 6pm-8pm Tuesday: 10am-12pm Thursday: 6pm-8pm Friday: 10am-12pm Saturday: 10am-12pm Topics Include: Agency, Listing Agreements, Contracts, Buyer Representation, Licensing Law, Environmental Issues, Titles and Liens, Fair Housing and Real Estate Financing & more. Come when you can and come when you want. Once you register, you will receive the invite for ALL classes and you can decide which ones to come to. Start as soon as the next class! There is no exact start or end date. You have to do 60 hours of classroom time and pass my final exam with a 70% or better. Then I give you ...