In less than 24 hours (HAPPY NEW YEAR!) many people think the world is going to change. It will not, unless we do. I am thinking, with some fun in mind, the only way the world is going to change is by bringing two very important things back to being popular…CARING and the GUITAR SOLO! :-) On Google the word CARING is defined as "displaying kindness and concern for others." To me that means being thoughtful, considerate and patient with others. For the world to be different we need to show love, accept differences without being annoyed or anxious, and care for others. Everyone gets into situations every day that can go one way or the other. There is that opportunity for us to use our ability to help others in need and even show understanding to others even if we don't necessarily agree with them. It's ok. We are all different and that is the way the Lord made us otherwise we would have a very boring world. Let's give it a moment...
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